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Get product

Get a product by ID.

Path Parameters
    id string required

    ID of the product to get


A successful response.

    product object
    id string
    name string
    title string
    description string
    plan_ids string[]
    state string
    prices object[]
  • Array [
  • id string
    product_id string
    provider_id string
    name string
    interval known intervals are "day", "week", "month", and "year"
    usage_type usage_type known types are "licensed" and "metered"
    billing_scheme billing_scheme known schemes are "tiered" and "flat"
    state string
    currency currency like "usd", "eur", "gbp"
    amount int64
    metered_aggregate metered_aggregate known aggregations are "sum", "last_during_period" and "max"
    tier_mode tier_mode known modes are "graduated" and "volume"
    metadata object
    created_at date-time
    updated_at date-time
  • ]
  • behavior string
    features object[]
  • Array [
  • id string
    name machine friendly name
    product_ids string[]
    title human friendly name
    metadata object
    created_at date-time
    updated_at date-time
  • ]
  • behavior_config object
    credit_amount int64
    seat_limit int64
    min_quantity int64
    max_quantity int64
    metadata object
    created_at date-time
    updated_at date-time
GET /v1beta1/billing/products/:id


name: Basic type: httpdescription: use Client ID as username and Client Secret as passwordin: headerscheme: basic


Base URL
Security Scheme
id — path required
curl / cURL
curl -L -X GET '' \
-H 'Accept: application/json'